We were up for a walk and drove to Monyash, Derbyshire. A bird of prey glided in front of us as we drove into the village possibly a sparrowhawk but it looked a bit big. After a bit of a problem finding somewhere to park we set off across fields towards Sheldon and the Magpie mine. We had a good look around the mine and then walked across fields and lanes towards Over Haddon. We saw 2 buzzards flying above us and later watched 2 hares chasing each other and boxing. At Over Haddon we walked to the Lathkill Hotel for a drink and a very nice ham roll. The views were wonderful. We walked back through the village and then down to Lathkill dale. We had a wonderful walk through the dale with the river full. We had a diversion to look at Mondale mine and then stood and watched two dippers. We got back to the car at 4.45 after walking 15.7 km.

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