We have been very busy lately, away on several holidays, trips to Kent and also trying to make some headway in the garden - a hopeless task, which means I haven't blogged for a while.
I will now make some attempt to catch up with details of some of our walks.
Wednesday 15th July
A local geocacher had laid out a series of 18 geocaches on a walk around South Ashby so when the rain had eased we set off for a walk.We parked at Packington and set off along the road and across a stile into a field. We found the Brookside cache quickly and moved across the field. After finding a sneakily hidden cache near a footpath sign we continued across fields and along the path to Normanton le Heath. We walked past the pretty church, finding another cache, and then took the path through some very overgrown fields. One of the advantages of caching is that it encourages people to use the footpaths, and when these have become overgrown, they do tend to have ways pushed through them. This was the case with the next cache. The path was very overgrown but a few cachers had been through recently and so there was the beginning of a path through. We battled our way through and found the next cache, the path now emerging onto a lane. We followed the lane and this was where our luck ran out with the next 2 caches unfound. The skies were now beginning to look very heavy so we followed the road back into Packington having walked 9km and finding 8 of the 18 caches.
Saturday 18th July
We set out today to do the second half of the South Ashby walk. We parked in the same place at Packington and waited for a shower to stop and then walked back down the lane to try to find the cache that we had missed on Wednesday. John found it tucked in a hole almost immediately this time. We walked back up the lane to do "Stylish" cache, but although we hunted for ages we still could not find it. We eventually abandoned it and walked across a field and over a stile, to cross a field of corn. We diverted here to go into Sunnyside, a National forest wood to find another cache. We had to walk through very long reeds and although we could see where cachers had been before we could not find it.
We walked back to the footpath and crossed onto the road where we searched for "North Pole South Pole". This again took ages and just as we were about to give up I found it, tucked inside a gate post. From here we folowed the footpath across fields and walked parellel with the A42. Here we found "Hitch hiking", though I don't know why it was called that. We crossed the A42 and walked towards Ashby but diverted along Packington Lane and along the back of the school and quickly found "No way out". After this we walked down the road towards Packington finding "Foot high", on top of a footpath finger post. We walked through Mill Farm where they are converting barns and followed the footpath signs, unfortunately the path is not walked much and it was deep with thistles, brambles and nettles. We battled through and emerged onto a bridge where we sat to eat a biscuit. Two rams came over to see what we were doing although when it was clear they were not going to get any treats they waked away. We walked across the field and stopped to find "Stoned", a clever hide in a tree and then left the field and the rams. We crossed the A42, again, which was very brambly, and did the last cache. We then walked down the bridleway and back to the car. We had walked 9.5km and another 7 caches.
Overnight in Glen Banchor
4 months ago
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