Monday 20th April
I had a check-up at the hospital today so as we were halfway to Market Harborough we drove there to do some puzzle caches that we had solved a while ago. We parked in the centre of the town and bought a sandwich which we ate whilst sitting by the corn market. The weather was lovely for a change.We then drove to Great Oxenden for a walk. We started off by finding a cache in the village and then walked along the Jurassic Way for a while. We had problems finding the footpath but a local man told us it went up the side of a house. We had quite a chat with him about walking, farming and sheep dogs. We went on our way following the Jurassic way. We had to cross a field of young cows which were all huddled round the stile we wanted, but we bravely walked through and they ran off. We were looking for a puzzle cache in the next field, I thought I had solved the puzzle and the location looked promising on the map but when we got there the gps was pointing into the middle of a field so was obviously wrong, so we abandoned it and continued our walk. We walked through a farm and came across 2 ladies with prams who had just gone through a field of cows. We decided that if they were happy pushing babies through, the cows must be ok. We shooshed them away from the cattle grid and walked over. They started to follow us but soon lost interest. We got to Clipstone and hoped for a drink but everywhere was closed so we continued back towards Gt Oxendon and the Brampton Valley Way, a disused railway that has been converted into a cycle path. Here we looked for another puzzle cache. We found the right place but had to cross a broken fence so thought we might be trespassing, but after quite a hunt John spotted the cache. We contined along the BVW and back to the car. We had walked 14km.
Overnight in Glen Banchor
4 months ago
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