Sunday, 24 April 2011

Sutton Cheyney to Market Bosworth

Oh dear, I realise I have been very remiss in updating my blog. We have been out for walks but I never seemed to have the time to write anything or I had forgotten the camera so there were no pictures to post.
John now has a new GPS with camera o hopefully we will be able to record our walks as we go.
Sunday 17 April 2011
It was another lovely day and so we set off for a walk at Market Bosworth. We parked at Sutton Cheyney and walked down the road to the gated lane that led to Market Bosworth. We were following a caching trail that had been set out with several caches on a circular walk. It was very pleasant walking along the gated lane with views across the fields to the surrounding villages, and after about 2 miles we arrived in the town. A cache had been hidden near to a tea shop so as we sat on the bench wondering where it was hidden, we decided a cup of tea and ice-cream was in order. A couple were looking at us a bit strangely and then came over and said “We know what you are looking for but we won't spoil it”. We then had quite a chat about GPS as they were about to buy a new one and wanted to see what John thought about his new toy. We enjoyed our cup of tea and then after finding the cache under the eyes of all the other teashop patrons set off on our walk again. We arrived at Bosworth country park where we found some more caches in the butterfly garden, the bird feeding area and the arboretum – where some of the trees had eyes painted on which was quite unusual. We met the other cachers a few more times before heading off along the Leicestershire Round and back towards Sutton Cheyney. The walk was just over 6 miles and 12 caches were found, one not found and had been very pleasant in the sunshine.
To see our route and the photos taken along the way click on the following link.

The Wells Wander

EveryTrail - Find hiking trails in California and beyond

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